Momentous Events in the Life of a Cactus by Dusti Bowling
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
If you enjoyed Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus, you have probably been highly anticipating this sequel. When we rejoin Aven, she is on the cusp of starting ninth grade, and she is scared out of her mind. Her best friend Connor has moved across town and won't be beside Aven to help her navigate high school. Her llama Spaghetti is in declining health; Henry's memory is getting worse and worse, and Josephine is as grumpy as ever. When Aven attracts the attention of Joseph, a cute football player, her friend Zion warns her to stay away from him. Zion has been bullied by Joseph in the past and doesn't think it is possible for him to have changed; however, Aven always sees the good in people and believes in second chances. Despite Zion's warnings, Aven is crushing on Joseph. Sadly, Aven finds herself as the target of a mean prank by Joseph and his friends. Aven finds herself questioning everything she has ever believed. She no longer believes in second chances and that most people are good; but worst of all, she no longer believes in herself.
This book definitely feels more like it is more appropriate for middle school than upper elementary; there isn't any bad language or questionable content, but it does feel pretty angsty. I'm not sure that my third or fourth graders will appreciate the stress of high school and first crushes, but I'm certain some of my fifth graders will relate. If you know a student who needs to care a little less about what others think, put this book in his or her hands. While adults and friends are trying to convince Aven that she is good enough and can do whatever she wants, self-doubt keeps creeping back in her head. Adolescents will certainly connect with Aven's struggles.
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